The current page is deticated the funding organisation, Innovation Fund Denmark that was supporting the current activities with appex. 3.5 mill. DDK. Without this support, the many results achieved could not be possible. Thanks to the foundation for their support. On this page you find a list of repports that together with the current homepage, make up the Final report to the fundation.
The figure shows the graphical relations between ressources that, together with the current homepage and the CITIES homepage constitute the Final Report of HEAT 4.0 to the Innovation Fund Denmark. On the left side, you see the individual reports that also are listed in the table below with link to the documents. These documents describe the many results that HEAT 4.0 has achieved and contribute to a common list of results that where analysed and listed by the leadership and prioritised to a final report (schema) by the Steering Committee to be final statements from the Steering Committee to the Innovation Fund Denmark, as the official report.
Hereby the Final report ressources from the HEAT 4.0 Innovation-Fund projects are (Date: 22.8.2022):
- Homepage as a dynamic and consitent result of the project to be found at the current homepage.
- CITIES homepage with scientific results to be found at CITIES homepage
- Set of reports listed in the table below.
- A pixi book that explains the most important innovations and concepts of HEAT 4.0 in an easily recievable form.
- The official final report in schema format.
At the homepage, you find basically all information on HEAT 4.0 and HEATman – amongst these ressources you find:
- Homepage/disseminations that consist of publications, presentations and conference activities by the HEAT 4.0 consortium partners.
- Homepage/Events where you find all events and important meeting activities for the HEAT 4.0 project.
- Homepage/Publications where you find all scientific publications from HEAT 4.0 researchers.
HEAT 4.0 Final Report – Extended version by Niras | Final (extended) Report |
HEAT 4.0 Final Report – Cross System Optimization by EMD, Enfor, Neogrid, Leanheat and Niras. | HEAT 4.0 CSO p2p – Final Report. |
HEAT 4.0 Final Scientific Report by DTU, AU, and Danfoss | Not available yet. |
HEAT 4.0 Final Report – On the subject of baselining by the Danish District Heating Association | Not available yet. |