
You find a lot of dissemination activities under the menu bullet Events.

You find the Final Reports in pdf at the page final reporting where you also get a overview of the project and the individual solutions developed and tested.

Scientific publications

Scientific publications can be found on the CITIES hompage.
A subset of scientific publiations that collects the results of the HEAT 4.0 Innovation Fund supported project are also listed under Publication page.

Professional and public publications

Alfred, H. (2020a). HEATman—A smart digital toolbox for district heating. Hot | Cool, 75(1), 28–30.

Alfred, H. (2020b). Money in the Cloud—Cloud solution for DH leads to cost efficiency.Hot Cool, 4, 20–21.

Debat: Fleksibelt elforbrug kan skabe værdi for alle. (1584514886000). EnergiWatch. https://energiwatch.dk/Energinyt/Energiselskaber/article12016657.ece

Digitale verktøy skal få fjernvarmesystemer til å samarbeide. (2019, April 29). Tu.no. https://www.tu.no/artikler/digitale-verktoy-skal-fa-fjernvarmesystemer-til-a-samarbeide/463651

Digitalisering og innovation kræver at der er styr på virksomhedens data. (2022, June 2). Business Review. https://businessreview.dk/digitalisering/digitalisering-og-innovation-kraever-at-der-er-styr-paa-virksomhedens-data/

Heller, A. (2022). HEAT 4.0 takes the district heating sector into the next digital level. FlippingBook, 1, 16–19.

Heller, A., & Lange, E. (n.d.). HEAT 4.0—Digitalt understøttet fjernvarme – Præsentation ved Danske Fjernvarme—(Open access version—Scanned).

Pump surveillance at a distance: IoT platform for aquaculture | DESMI – Proven technology. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 December 2021, from https://www.desmi.com/news/pump-surveillance-at-a-distance-desmi-offers-iot-platform-for-aquaculture-pumps/

Skal energiselskabet vide, hvornår du tænder din hårtørrer? Vejen til grøn strøm kan være massiv overvågning. (2021, September 10). Zetland. https://www.zetland.dk/historie/s8x7p4Vm-aOZj67pz-c99ff

Strategi for digitalisering tager form. (n.d.). Retrieved 17 December 2021, from https://www.danskfjernvarme.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/211208-strategi-for-digitalisering-tager-form