Digital Supported Smart District Heating

HEAT 4.0 is an ambitious interdisciplinary innovation consortium with 16 partners representing components suppliers, universities, district heating companies, consultants, software developers and the Danish District Heating Association.

The project has developed a digital platform and methodology that deliveres digital-supported services to the district heating operators – the next generation digital platform for the district heating sector.

  • A high-tech platform that creates synergy between planning and operation, between production, planning and maintenance – holistic solutions across the entire district heating system by integrating the latest technologies and research knowledge into one unified product: HEAT 4.0.
  • The solutions deliver optimized operation, high satisfaction by the users at minimized costs which means energy efficiency and CO2-reduction.
  • The project is supported by the Innovation Fund Denmark with 3.4 mio. EURO under Journal number 8090-00046B.