Demo projects and cases
HEAT 4.0 aims at supporting the digitalization of the district heating sector as a whole.
This includes several innovative developments and novel solutions that had to be examined in real-case setups.
For this purpose, 3 district heating companies with different setups, joined the consortium.
These cases are described in the current section. The three cases are:
- Bronderslev Utilities (Brønderslev Forsyning)
- Trefor Heating (Trefor Varme)
- Hillerod Utilities (Hillerød Forsyning)
The first and last DH operators produce their heat themselves, while Trefor is buying their heat from a local provider. Hence solutions are adjusted to the individual case, enabling the consortium to develop generic solutions that will meet many of the existing national and international cases.
As the developments and testing at the above three cases were successfully finalized, the first commercial installations of HEAT 4.0 solutions are listed for other cases and cooperative activities involving HEAT 4.0 partners and relevant to the current consortium.. Other district heating innovations where run by HEAT 4.0 partners but not financed directly under this current project – you find some of them at the CITIES homepage.